How to fight for you case

Restitution Hearing and Prosecution in California DUI Cases

November 7, 2017

RESTITUTION PAYMENT IN DUI CASES Any conviction for a DUI can result not only in payment of money to the courts in fines and costs, but it can also result in payment of money to “victims” as part of the compensation for any direct loss that they suffered. In California law, victims are defined broadly but in DUI cases it usually means those who got injured in DUI traffic accidents. If you are convicted of a DUI case you can be ordered to pay thousands of dollars to the victims of a DUI collision to compensate them for all of their expenses. The best way to protect yourself from paying large sums of money to the victims is to fight […]

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Don’t Make these 3 mistakes if you get a California DUI

February 21, 2017

Doubt, anger, plummeting self-esteem, disappointment, fear, and frustration. Getting convicted of a DUI will get all sorts of emotions running through your system. Part of you is scared about what’s going to happen. Another part of you feels ashamed of letting the important people in your life down. You are under stress about the costs and fines. And you’re angry with yourself or the people who were there when you decided to drive. These are all understandable reactions to having to go through this situation. What is important, is to take the steps you can to handle your DUI case as effectively as possible. Don’t make mistakes that will create hassles, cost you more money, or lead you to a […]

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Restricted License after Los Angeles DUI

March 7, 2016

After a DUI conviction, you might have Restricted License. There are different types of restricted licenses: with some restricted to driver to work and an alcohol education class and others restricted to only drive while having an ignition interlock device (IID) in your car. If you have a restricted license to drive only with an IID, you can drive anywhere, without being in a violation of the law. A restriction on the driver’s license can be imposed after a court conviction or after a DMV hearing.  As terms of a DUI probation, a driver can be ordered to comply with DMV orders. DUI Probation will include driving only with a restricted license for a period of time.  Alternatively, even if there is no […]

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Los Angeles DUI Attorney Explains: DUI License Revocation in Los Angeles

March 3, 2016

In California, a driver’s license can be lost in one of three ways: cancellation, suspension, or revocation. While there are several reasons a license may be revoked, DUI-related revocation is a consequence of certain DUI arrests, particularly in Los Angeles. However, not every DUI arrest leads to revocation, as many cases result in a suspension instead. A DUI-related license suspension allows the driver to regain their license after a specified period, whereas a revocation requires the individual to reapply for a new driver’s license after the revocation period ends.  Contact Los Angeles Driver’s License Attorney for immediate help.  A DUI license revocation is imposed for a minimum of 2 years. One of the most severe consequences for a driver’s license […]

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Serna Motion or California Speedy Trial rights violation

January 2, 2016

California law allows you to get a dismissal of your criminal case when your speedy trial rights are violated.  This dismissal is done by filing a motion.  This motion can be oral or written and applies to all criminal cases including Los Angeles DUI cases and any other Los Angeles Criminal Cases.  If your speedy trial rights were violated, you can get your DUI dismissed in Los Angeles.  Speedy trial rights are violated when a lot of time passed between the offense date and the prosecution and as a result of that, it is unfair to you to prosecute. Please click on the links below to go directly to your topic of interest: CALIFORNIA SERNA MOTION DISMISSAL RIGHT TO SPEEDY TRIAL […]

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Science For DUI Cases

February 5, 2012

A DUI lawyer in Los Angeles can use science to attack the reliability of breath results. Some Los Angeles DUI lawyers have background in science, others learned enough from books and experts. The prosecutor, as part of his case, will use an expert to interpret the blood results and opine on the impairment. Defense can either attack the testimony of the People’s expert or/and can call its own expert who will opine that there is no impairment and/or that the alcohol level at the time of driving is below the statutory .08%. Short of calling your own expert, Los Angeles DWI lawyers need to know basic scientific articles discussing science behind alcohol impairment and level of alcohol in blood. Because […]

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DUI test: problems and results

January 30, 2012

Any DUI prosecution depends on blood or breath test results that will be used to prosecute a DUI case.  DUI test results then will be presented to the court as evidence of guilt. DUI lawyer Los Angeles knows how to defend against DUI test results and will prepare a defense of DUI test. Knowledgeable Los Angeles DUI lawyers can undermine results of a DUI test using a scientific approach to DUI.  Depending on the circumstances of a DUI arrest in Los Angeles, DUI test results can be very defensible. There are a number of approaches that can be taken by drunk driving defense lawyer against both DUI blood tests and DUI breath tests.  For example, Los Angeles DUI Attorney can […]

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Requesting a Continuance from the DMV at an APS hearing after a DUI arrest in Los Angeles

June 27, 2011

SUMMARY: Once an APS hearing is scheduled, a Los Angeles DMV hearing officer is appointed and all decisions about continuances are up to him or her. A request for a continuance has to be put in writing and faxed to the DMV as soon as a reason for the continuance is learned. For example, if a necessary witness is not available to testify for the hearing, a request to continue the hearing should be faxed to the hearing officer stating that (1) a necessary witness is not available on the day of the hearing and (2) the respondent only learned about the unavailability recently. THE LAW: The APS hearings are authorized and governed by Vehicle Code Sections 13558 and 14100-14111. […]

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How long is the Driver’s License Suspension after 2nd offense DUI in Los Angeles?

June 19, 2011

SUMMARY: Most DUI prosecutions also involve hearings under the Administrative Per Se laws with the DMV. The Admin Per Se prosecution is civil in nature and can not result in jail or fines but instead only results in a loss of the driving privilege through a suspension or revocation of the driver’s license. The court conviction in itself can have driver’s license consequences. Full analysis of the driver’s license consequence must include a discussion of both a DMV hearing defense and a defense of your DUI in court. Here, I explain the consequence of a second offense Los Angeles DUI arrest/conviction on the driver’s license. LENGTH OF SUSPENSION: A court conviction of a second-offense DUI in Los Angeles will result […]

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I got arrested for a DUI in Los Angeles, but my car was parked. Do I have a defense?

May 11, 2011

You actually do have a great defense in your DUI case. However, you will need the help of an experienced attorney to convince the prosecutor to offer favorable disposition or to dismiss the case all together. Several factors will influence the negotiation with the prosecutor. Here are the examples of factors that need to be considered during the negotiation: (1) blood alcohol level, (2) condition of the driver, (3) control over the vehicle, (4) location of the parked vehicle. Lets discuss each factor individually. 1. Blood Alcohol Level: the higher the blood alcohol level, the harder it is to get a favorable disposition. Clearly, a driver with a .08 BAC deserve a little break when compared to a driver with […]

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