Drunk Driving Arrest In Los Angeles
May 14, 2019
Los Angeles DUI attorney can help you convert an arrest into detention for cases that are not filed in Los Angeles. If you are arrested for a crime or for a DUI, your record, if requested by the Department of Justice, will have a record of the arrest. Sometimes a job application or an application for benefits or a permit or a license will ask you if you were arrested. This is different than asking if you have any convictions, which are findings of guilt proven beyond a reasonable doubt! Instead, an application for a job can ask for arrests, which require much less evidence than convictions. The arrest decisions are made by a police officer who can be biased […]
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October 12, 2018
So, you have been hanging out with your friends, or just had a meeting with some colleagues, or were called to a local bar for a chat and a glass of wine. People around you kept saying that you had already had too much to drink, but you are planning to have another drink. You needed to get home and your car is parked right outside. You want to know how impaired are you and if it is safe to drive. Let’s look at some ways to help you figure out if you are too drunk to drive. If you are wondering how drunk you may be or whether you need to call a cab or Uber instead of driving […]
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November 7, 2017
RESTITUTION PAYMENT IN DUI CASES Any conviction for a DUI can result not only in payment of money to the courts in fines and costs, but it can also result in payment of money to “victims” as part of the compensation for any direct loss that they suffered. In California law, victims are defined broadly but in DUI cases it usually means those who got injured in DUI traffic accidents. If you are convicted of a DUI case you can be ordered to pay thousands of dollars to the victims of a DUI collision to compensate them for all of their expenses. The best way to protect yourself from paying large sums of money to the victims is to fight […]
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March 20, 2017
Joseph Burt Felz, a former city manager of Fullerton, California, could be jailed for up to one year in the county jail for allegedly committing two misdemeanor offenses. The allegations are that he was driving under the influence of alcohol and committed a hit-and-run causing property damage. The accident happened in one of the neighborhoods of Fullerton city in November 2016, when a car jumped off the road, over a curb, hit a tree, and got stuck in rain gutters near a lawn. A witness called the police and said that she was afraid the driver would run away because he was trying to drive away. The car managed to get free and leave the scene of the accident just before […]
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March 18, 2017
March 6, 2017, Tarzana, a small city in Los Angeles, was stunned by the aftermath of DUI crash. An allegedly drunk driver was driving over the speed limit colliding into another vehicle, injuring three people. The suspected DUI driver who drove Honda Civic was traveling at 50 mph in a 25 mph zone. The driver lost control of the car, spun out and crashed into Honda CR-V, parked at the curb. This collision caused a chain reaction, with two more cars being involved in the accident. In addition, one pedestrian got severe injuries and was taken to the hospital. Lastly, the suspected DUI driver had two women with him in the car with both women being injured. One of the […]
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February 28, 2017
On February 23, a former substance-abuse counselor was sentenced to 25 to life years of imprisonment after she pleaded guilty to a second-degree murder. She was accused of a DUI leading to a serious injury, a DUI with .08 percent of alcohol in blood, a hit and run, and a second-degree murder. Sherri Lynn Wilkins, a counselor in problems of drinking and drug abuse, was driving drunk when she struck a man, crossing the street in the city of Torrance on November 24, 2012. She didn’t stop the car after the accident and dragged half-naked body for 2 miles sticking out of her windshield. Shocked witnesses made her pull over after she stopped at a stoplight and took away the […]
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February 6, 2017
Recently, a drunk driver was arrested and can be charged with murder and a hit-run causing death. Man may be sentenced up to 26 years in prison for killing an Uber driver and fleeing the scene of the accident. The collision occurred in January 2017. An impaired driver ran through a red light at a high rate of speed in his Infinity and crashed into an Uber car at the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. and Arlington Ave. The driver of the Infinity did not stop after the collision as required by law but instead ran away from the accident scene. Later the driver of Infinity was identified as Kevin Moran, 24 years of age. The police believe that […]
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October 21, 2016
An annual motorcycle event “La Raza Run” turned into a collective prayer. Instead of celebrating, people remembered in prayers the victims of a horrible crash at Chicano Park on October 16. An accident took place around 3:30 pm. A pickup truck hit the bridge rail and fell off the San Diego Bridge landing on a crowded motorcycle fiesta in a park below. CHP officers reported that four people died and nine were injured including the pick-up truck driver. Two people sustained serious injuries and a few other persons suffered minor to moderate injuries. The CHP arrested the pickup truck’s driver on suspicion of DUI and DUI causing bodily injuries and death. The arrestee is a 25-year-old US Navy serviceman, Richard […]
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October 10, 2016
This article discusses: What is The Real Cost of California DUI? Click on the links below to go directly to your topic of interest. Insurance rate cost increase Towing and Storage Fee DUI school program cost DUI Defense Lawyer Cost DMV reinstatement fee The Real Cost of California DUI It’s common knowledge that driving while intoxicated is not only a serious criminal offense but also one of the main reasons for traffic incidents in the US and across the world. Los Angeles DUI creates a serious problem as many DUI accidents in Los Angeles result in serious injuries and even death. Alcohol and drugs affect driving because they can cause fatigue, impaired vision, and reduced reaction time. For safety, a […]
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September 8, 2016
Most commonly, a person arrested for a DUI is arrested because he or she is under influence of drugs or alcohol. It is possible for the police to make an error and arrested someone who is not under influence of any drugs or alcohol. For example, lack of sleep, being careless or distracted while driving can result in a DUI arrest. Moreover, often, a driver who is negligent or sleepy can be very dangerous, even when he or she is sober. The law can punish drivers for negligent driving, although every instance is not specifically addressed by the legal system. If you fall asleep on the road or get distracted by a mobile phone, you can be found negligent by […]
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