DUI Laws in California
May 5, 2016
In this article, Los Angeles DUI Defense Lawyer discusses Out -Of-State DUI Priors. Click on the links below to go directly to your topic of interest. Attorney DUI Los Angeles Discusses Priorability of a DUI Attorney DUI Los Angeles Explains How A Prior Is Proven Drunk Driving Defense Attorney Explains Out Of State DUI Priors California Case Law On Using Out-of-State DUI Priors Attorney DUI Los Angeles Discusses Priorability of a DUI A DUI in California is a unique crime because it is priorable. Priorability means that some older convictions can be used to increase the punishment for newer convictions. In the case of a California DUI, the priorability of a DUI is ten years from one DUI arrest to another DUI […]
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March 29, 2016
Teen Drunk Driving is considered a more serious offense then a simple DUI if the blood alcohol level above the .08% concentration. The courts consider young offenders to be at risk of re-offending and committing multiple DUI later in life. Researchers also provide other facts about teenagers including the link between teen drunk driving and higher chances of substance abuse later in life. You can call our office for a free Los Angeles DUI attorney consultation anytime. The courts can prosecute teen drinking and driving several different ways. If the teenanger is under 18 years of age, he can only be cited to a juvenile court. There are multiple juvenile courts in Los Angeles, but some courthouses do not have […]
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March 7, 2016
After a DUI conviction, you might have Restricted License. There are different types of restricted licenses: with some restricted to driver to work and an alcohol education class and others restricted to only drive while having an ignition interlock device (IID) in your car. If you have a restricted license to drive only with an IID, you can drive anywhere, without being in a violation of the law. A restriction on the driver’s license can be imposed after a court conviction or after a DMV hearing. As terms of a DUI probation, a driver can be ordered to comply with DMV orders. DUI Probation will include driving only with a restricted license for a period of time. Alternatively, even if there is no […]
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February 24, 2016
Nystagmus is an investigation tool used by law enforcement to determine if a person is under the influence of alcohol. After a DUI stop, a police officer, if he suspects that the driver is under the influence of alcohol, can ask the driver to step out of the vehicle and submit to field sobriety tests. The field sobriety tests are voluntary tests that drivers suspected of DUI in Los Angeles can and should decline to perform. If you agree to do the field sobriety tests, the cops and the DA will use them to show that you are impaired. The tests are highly subjective and can cause a person to be arrested even when he or she is not under […]
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February 23, 2016
In this article, DUI Defense Lawyer discusses how to fight BAC Results in California DUI Cases. Click on the links below to go directly to your topic of interest. The Importance of a BAC Results in Los Angeles DUI Cases BAC level lower then .08% in DUI cases High Blood Alcohol Cases in California DUI cases The Importance of BAC Results in Los Angeles DUI Cases Los Angeles DUI prosecutors will look at several factors to decides how to prosecute a DUI in Los Angeles. First, Los Angeles DUI prosecutors will check if there was an accident prior to Los Angeles DUI arrest. Any accident will make a DUI seems much more serious in the eyes of Los Angeles County Judge […]
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February 15, 2016
The California Supreme Court recently eliminated several important breath test defenses for DUI cases that DUI attorneys Los Angeles used to successfully defend DUI charges. PARTITION RATIOS AND VANGELDER (58 Cal 4th 1) According to the 2013 Supreme Court of California decision in People v. Vangelder, partition ratios cannot be argued to a jury. Before this case, Los Angeles DUI defense attorneys would argue that breath sample results are not the same as the blood sample results because the ratio of alcohol in blood could be very different from the ratio of alcohol in breath samples. In the case of Mr. Terry Vangelder, he was prosecuted for a DUI after he was pulled over for speeding and his breath alcohol test […]
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January 20, 2016
In this article Los Angeles DUI Defense Lawyer discusses Driving on a Suspended License. Click on the links below to go directly to your topic of interest. LOS ANGELES DUI ATTORNEY EXPLAINS SUSPENDED LICENSE LAW Driving on a suspended or revoked license in California is a serious offense, governed by California Vehicle Code (CVC) sections 14601-14601.5. The specific section under which a driver is charged depends primarily on the reason for the suspension or revocation. For example, if a driver’s license suspension is due to a DUI conviction, prosecutors will likely file charges under CVC 14601.2, which carries mandatory jail time (at least 10 days for a first offense) and strict penalties, such as a requirement to install an ignition interlock […]
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December 30, 2015
There are 6 different Alcohol Education programs in California that can either be ordered as a condition of probation with a DUI conviction or can be required to be completed as a term of probation for various other, usually driving or alcohol-related convictions. After a Driving under the influence conviction, the DMV will often require completion of the AB 541 or SB 38 program prior to re-issuance of the driver’s license. Additionally, if your license is suspended after an APS hearing (and you don’t want to wait out a suspension), you can get a restricted license but enrollment into a “driving under the influence” program is required prior to getting a restricted license. Here, I summarized and listed the programs […]
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December 25, 2015
THE LAW: An arraignment is the first part of a DUI prosecution in Los Angeles Superior Court. During DUI arraignment, you can enter a guilty or not guilty plea, and, if you enter a “not guilty” plea, the court will continue your DUI case. The continuance after a DUI arraignment is determined by law so that you can have a trial 45 days from the arraignment. If you are in custody at the time of the arraignment, you can have a trial 30 days from the arraignment. Sometimes the judge can ask you to “waive time”, which means, that the trial will be longer then 30 or 45 days from the arraignment. You will have to agree to “waive time” […]
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December 13, 2015
California Vehicle Code 21658 is a very common reason for a person to get pulled over by the Los Angeles Police or the California Highway Patrol. When the police pull you over, and the driver smells of alcohol, the police will usually start a Los Angeles DUI investigation. A DUI investigation can easily lead to an arrest in Los Angeles and a DUI arrest will typically lead to a prosecution in the Los Angeles Superior Court. Multiple DUIs within the past 10 years will cause a much harsher punishment including mandatory jail time. A California Vehicle Code 21658 can be violated when a vehicle straddles the lane, weaves outside of its lane, or even when the vehicle weaves inside its […]
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