Los Angeles DUI Defense
March 3, 2025
Many people assume that police officers can immediately arrest a driver if they notice any signs of alcohol consumption. However, the reality is that many individuals drive after consuming some alcohol, and the mere smell of alcohol, unusual behavior, or the presence of an open container in the car does not automatically justify an arrest. Los Angeles DUI Attorney strongly believes that these factors alone are insufficient to establish probable cause for a lawful DUI arrest. What Constitutes Probable Cause for a DUI Arrest? Probable cause typically requires a combination of observable factors, such as: The smell of alcohol Slurred speech Poor coordination Other indicators of intoxication The term “probable cause” originates from the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. […]
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March 2, 2025
Law enforcement officers in California have several legal authorities under which they can tow a vehicle. Whether it’s for a Los Angeles DUI arrest, a criminal investigation, or other violations, understanding your rights is crucial. In some cases, police can hold an impounded vehicle for up to 30 days. However, if your car has been towed, you have the right to a hearing to request an early release. As an experienced Los Angeles DUI attorney, I have successfully helped clients get their vehicles released early in such situations. Common Reasons Police Tow Vehicles Fighting an Impound & Requesting Early Release If your vehicle has been impounded, you have the right to a post-storage hearing to contest the tow or request […]
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November 26, 2017
It is hard to find a person who was never pulled over by police in Los Angeles. A police stop in Los Angeles can result in DUI investigations. Some police officers will say that “all police stops are potential DUI investigations”. If you are investigated for a DUI in Los Angeles, you can be arrested for a DUI and have a Los Angeles DUI arrest on your record. How do you avoid a DUI investigation or an arrest? If you did have something to drink, what do you say or do to increase the chances of winning a DUI and reducing the chances of being arrested? Los Angeles DUI attorney answers these questions here. Should You Talk To Cops?: No! […]
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November 7, 2017
RESTITUTION PAYMENT IN DUI CASES Any conviction for a DUI can result not only in payment of money to the courts in fines and costs, but it can also result in payment of money to “victims” as part of the compensation for any direct loss that they suffered. In California law, victims are defined broadly but in DUI cases it usually means those who got injured in DUI traffic accidents. If you are convicted of a DUI case you can be ordered to pay thousands of dollars to the victims of a DUI collision to compensate them for all of their expenses. The best way to protect yourself from paying large sums of money to the victims is to fight […]
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February 21, 2017
Doubt, anger, plummeting self-esteem, disappointment, fear, and frustration. Getting convicted of a DUI will get all sorts of emotions running through your system. Part of you is scared about what’s going to happen. Another part of you feels ashamed of letting the important people in your life down. You are under stress about the costs and fines. And you’re angry with yourself or the people who were there when you decided to drive. These are all understandable reactions to having to go through this situation. What is important, is to take the steps you can to handle your DUI case as effectively as possible. Don’t make mistakes that will create hassles, cost you more money, or lead you to a […]
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February 13, 2017
What are your Options for DUI Defense? Who is going to represent you in court after a DUI arrest? It is often a tough decision. Money is always a factor and legal representation can be expensive. A public defender might be a good alternative for persons who do not have money, however, some people try to avoid having a public defender represent them. This is especially true in DUI cases where a successful defense can be used to save your driver’s license and your job. More so, this is also relevant in multiple DUI cases or in cases where injuries are alleged because it helps avoid jail time for crimes disliked by the courts and the prosecutors. Unlike the Public […]
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September 5, 2016
The arrest and prosecution of a DUI case involve specific legal steps that must be followed or the case will fall apart. The DUI investigation is highly technical with the police officer training playing a major role in whether the case can be prosecuted. The police officer must not only follow all the legal requirements but also he must follow all the scientific requirements during the investigation. In addition, to pull your car over, the police officer must have a reasonable suspicion to start the investigation and probable cause to arrest you. During the investigation, the police officer will usually take copious notes to build a criminal case against you to prove your guilt. Often, even slight errors by the […]
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September 2, 2016
Click on the links below to go directly to your topic of interest: Calabasas DUI Attorney Calabasas DUI expert charges What comes after a DUI arrest? How can a Calabasas Drunk Driving Defense attorney help you? Calabasas DUI Attorney If you’re being charged with a DUI, a Calabasas DUI attorney services are highly recommended because a DUI received in Calabasas might be prosecuted by very tough prosecutors in Los Angeles. A DUI conviction can result in jail time, very high fines, and a suspension of your driver’s license. You must act quickly to protect your rights to a DMV hearing because you have only 10 days from the arrest date to request a hearing or your driver’s license can be suspended automatically. […]
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August 28, 2016
Here is a list of LA Officers who are arrested for committing crimes. This list can help to show that an arresting officer is a bad person and/or convince the prosecution to reduce or dismiss criminal charges against you. The primary focus of this post is on officers working in Los Angeles County; however, this list included police officers from nearby counties. Under Brady, Prosecutors are now required to notify Defendants any of the police officers are involved in their case. If these officers were involved in investigating your case, you can request that the Court reopens your case and offer a dismissal of your case. Not all of the listed Los Angeles Police Officers are involved in the Los […]
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May 5, 2016
In this article, Los Angeles DUI Defense Lawyer discusses Out -Of-State DUI Priors. Click on the links below to go directly to your topic of interest. Attorney DUI Los Angeles Discusses Priorability of a DUI Attorney DUI Los Angeles Explains How A Prior Is Proven Drunk Driving Defense Attorney Explains Out Of State DUI Priors California Case Law On Using Out-of-State DUI Priors Attorney DUI Los Angeles Discusses Priorability of a DUI A DUI in California is a unique crime because it is priorable. Priorability means that some older convictions can be used to increase the punishment for newer convictions. In the case of a California DUI, the priorability of a DUI is ten years from one DUI arrest to another DUI […]
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