DUI Fines in Los Angeles
November 7, 2017
RESTITUTION PAYMENT IN DUI CASES Any conviction for a DUI can result not only in payment of money to the courts in fines and costs, but it can also result in payment of money to “victims” as part of the compensation for any direct loss that they suffered. In California law, victims are defined broadly but in DUI cases it usually means those who got injured in DUI traffic accidents. If you are convicted of a DUI case you can be ordered to pay thousands of dollars to the victims of a DUI collision to compensate them for all of their expenses. The best way to protect yourself from paying large sums of money to the victims is to fight […]
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March 23, 2016
VC40508A . A person willfully violating his or her written promise to appear or a lawfully granted continuance of his or her promise to appear in court or before a person authorized to receive a deposit of bail is guilty of a misdemeanor regardless of the disposition of the charge upon which he or she was originally arrested. If you were stopped for a traffic violation and cited by the police officer, you will have a date in court. If you do not come to court, the court will file a separate charge against you in addition to the charges observed by the officer at the time of the stop. The additional charge is a violation of California Vehicle Code section 40508A, commonly known […]
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March 10, 2016
DUI Charges can have extreme consequences for many many people including professional drivers, anyone with a specialized license or permit or even immigrant. The punishment for a DUI can include DUI classes, IID, fines and even jail time. DUI charges under California law can be found in Division 11 and punishment in Division 11.5 of the California Vehicle Code, one of 26 different legal codes in California. The specific DUI charges are usually found in the California Vehicle Code 23152 for “simple” DUI charges and CVC 23153 for DUI with injury charges. The crime of drunk driving can be a felony DUI or a misdemeanor DUI. What determines if it is a felony DUI charges or misdemeanor DUI charges is the record of […]
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March 17, 2015
The statutory miniminal DUI fine in Los Angeles is $390.00 plus penalties and assessments. The legislature made the penalties and assessments the majority of the fine. There are 12 different additional types of penalties and assessments ranging from $1 for every $10 fine to $100 for every misdemeanor conviction. Those additions increase fines for a DUI conviction in Los Angeles to at least $1,790, a huge increase from the $390 base fine. The fine structure is not unique to Driving Under the Influence conviction. A conviction for running a red light, a $50 base fine, will be at least $225. Here is the breakdown of the fines by statutes. PC 1464 adds $10 for every $10 of a base fine […]
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