January 29, 2025
Here, Los Angeles DUI Attorney an out-of-state prior and if it can be used to impose longer program and license suspension on a driver. When facing DUI charges in Los Angeles, few cases illustrate the DMV’s willingness to use out-of-state priors more than Isaac v. Department of Motor Vehicles (2007) 155 Cal.App.4th 851. This case demonstrates just how aggressively the DMV can treat prior DUI-related incidents—even if they were dismissed in another state and even if that state’s DUI statutes differ significantly from California law. The Facts Behind Isaac v. DMV Why You Need a Los Angeles DUI Attorney Contact a Los Angeles DUI Attorney Today If you or someone you know faces a DUI charge in California and has […]
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November 7, 2017
RESTITUTION PAYMENT IN DUI CASES Any conviction for a DUI can result not only in payment of money to the courts in fines and costs, but it can also result in payment of money to “victims” as part of the compensation for any direct loss that they suffered. In California law, victims are defined broadly but in DUI cases it usually means those who got injured in DUI traffic accidents. If you are convicted of a DUI case you can be ordered to pay thousands of dollars to the victims of a DUI collision to compensate them for all of their expenses. The best way to protect yourself from paying large sums of money to the victims is to fight […]
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February 3, 2017
In this article, DUI Defense Lawyer discusses California DMV hearing: 10 Day Rule. Introduction to the California Law In California, if you are arrested for a DUI, the arresting officer has to confiscate your California driver’s license and mail it to the DMV. This “confiscation” starts the suspension process. If you are holding a driver’s license from another state and are a non-resident of California, a police officer does not have “jurisdiction” over your driver’s license and can not confiscate it. If the police officer takes your “out-of-state” driver’s license, you can get it back at his station because California Police Officers are not authorized to mail out-of-state licenses to the DMV. Even if you are a non-resident, the police officer who arrested you […]
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March 3, 2016
In California, a driver’s license can be lost in one of three ways: cancellation, suspension, or revocation. While there are several reasons a license may be revoked, DUI-related revocation is a consequence of certain DUI arrests, particularly in Los Angeles. However, not every DUI arrest leads to revocation, as many cases result in a suspension instead. A DUI-related license suspension allows the driver to regain their license after a specified period, whereas a revocation requires the individual to reapply for a new driver’s license after the revocation period ends. Contact Los Angeles Driver’s License Attorney for immediate help. A DUI license revocation is imposed for a minimum of 2 years. One of the most severe consequences for a driver’s license […]
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January 7, 2016
In this article, Los Angeles DUI Defense Lawyer discusses DMV Hearing Appeal. Click on the links below to go directly to your topic of interest. DMV HEARINGS APS DMV HEARINGS HOW TO WIN A DMV HEARING HOW CAN EXPERT TESTIMONY HELP DURING AN APS HEARING DMV PROCEDURE AFTER DUI ARREST NEGLIGENT OPERATOR DMV HEARING APS DUI DMV HEARING APPEAL ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW OF DMV DECISION APPEAL OF DMV RULING TO THE SUPERIOR COURT TIME LIMIT TO FILE WITH THE SUPERIOR COURT THE REASONS TO FILE A WRIT PROCEDURE DMV HEARINGS The DMV is directly responsible for issuing Driver’s licenses to California Residents. Not only does the DMV issue driver’s licenses, but it also keeps driving records which include accidents, failure to […]
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October 5, 2011
A person arrested for a DUI in Los Angeles or anywhere else in California has a right to a DMV hearing to show that the police stop or the arrest was not justified or that at the time of driving, the blood alcohol level was below .08% BAC. The “at the time of driving” is the most important part because the alcohol breath or blood test is usually done hours after the hearing and thus, they can be very different from the blood alcohol level if it was measured at the time of driving. Los Angeles DUI Attorney recommends that you contact a Los Angeles DUI lawyer to help you fight your DMV hearing or a DUI in Los Angeles. […]
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June 27, 2011
SUMMARY: Once an APS hearing is scheduled, a Los Angeles DMV hearing officer is appointed and all decisions about continuances are up to him or her. A request for a continuance has to be put in writing and faxed to the DMV as soon as a reason for the continuance is learned. For example, if a necessary witness is not available to testify for the hearing, a request to continue the hearing should be faxed to the hearing officer stating that (1) a necessary witness is not available on the day of the hearing and (2) the respondent only learned about the unavailability recently. THE LAW: The APS hearings are authorized and governed by Vehicle Code Sections 13558 and 14100-14111. […]
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May 22, 2011
Often, violation of probations can result in more jail time than the plea bargain deal itself. Paris Hilton and Lindsey Logan were sentenced to jail not after pleading guilty but after being found in violation of probation. So, what is probation? Probation is a period during which a probationer has to abide by certain rules. In exchange for an easier sentence, the probationer can be ordered to: (1) do some jail, (2) do some community service, (3) do an alcohol education program and an alcohol deterrence class, (4) wear an alcohol monitor bracelet, (5) install an ignition interlock device in his or her car (6) ordered not to consume any alcohol (7) ordered to drive only with a valid driver’s […]
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