Michael Floyd Placed Under Arrest for a “Super Extreme DUI”
American football wide receiver Michael Floyd could face jail time and pay an up to $2,500.00 fine for driving under the influence.
On December 12, Arizona traffic cops found Mr. Floyd unconscious behind the wheel in his Cadillac Escalade with the engine of his car still running. His blood alcohol concentration level was tested by police to be 0.217 which is considered extremely high and over 2 times above the legal limit. Police officers first noticed Floyd’s car at a traffic light. It seems like Mr. Floyd stopped at a green light and didn’t move for two cycles of the light. The police approached Floyd’s car and saw him asleep with his foot on the brake pedal. The police knocked on the driver’s window to wake Floyd. Mr. Floyd initially did not react to the police knocking and, when awakened, was disoriented and did not know where he was going or where he was. When police asked him to turn off his car, they observed him stuttering, and also Mr. Floyed showed other signs visible signs of intoxication consisting with driving under the influence.
If Mr. Floyd is charged with a DUI, he may be charged with a super extreme DUI and sentenced to 45 days in jail. A super extreme DUI is a legal concept in Arizona where a high blood alcohol level mandates a serious jail sentence. In addition to the DUI, Mr. Floyd can be charged with blocking the traffic and disobeying the police. If convicted, Mr. Floyd will have to install an ignition interlock system and his car and he may also face a $ 500 fine and $2000 as a contribution to the prison construction and public safety equipment fund.
It is however common in Arizona for similar offenses not to face a lot of jail time. A DUI conviction may result in Mr. Floyd serving some jail time in prison and some jail sentence as a home arrest with a home alcohol monitoring system.
That is not the first time that 27-year-old Floyd gets into trouble. In 2011 Mr. Floyd was pulled over when he failed to stop at a stop sign. After the stop, the police did a DUI investigation on Mr. Floyed, and he was arrested for a DUI. At that time, his BAC level was measured to be twice the legal limit.
Two days after this incident Mr. Floyd was suspended by the Arizona Cardinals because of the DUI arrest and other inexcusable conduct. The rumor has it that the conflict with the Cardinals has to do with Floyd being unapologetic after the arrest. The management of the team expected him to apologize, get healthy and change his approach. But he remained unapologetic, saying that everyone makes mistakes.
Despite the spoiled relationship with the Cardinals, Mr. Floyd quickly found a new job. The New England Patriots signed an agreement with Michael three days after the DUI incident.
If you are arrested for a DUI Los Angeles DUI attorney can help you! We aggressively litigate DUI cases and are able to find defenses in even the most difficult DUI cases. Please call (818) 921 7744 for a free consultation anytime.