In California, a driver’s license can be lost through one of three ways, a cancellation, a suspension, and a revocation. While, the license can be revoked for few reasons, a DUI license revocation is a consequences of some DUI arrests in California and specifically Los Angeles DUI. DUI license revocation does not happen in every case because many DUI arrest only result in suspension. DUI License Suspension will allow you to get your license back after a period of time, whereas for a revocation, you will need to reapply for the driver license after the period of revocation.
A DUI license revocation is imposed for a minimum of 2 years.
One of the harshest consequence for a driver’s license is a refusal to submit to a chemical test or a preliminary alcohol screening test while on DUI probation. DUI refusal to submit to a chemical test after a second DUI arrest within ten years will result in a two years license revocation. A refusal to submit to a chemical test after a third DUI or more arrest within ten years, will result in a three years license revocation. A refusal to submit to a chemical test while on DUI probation will cause a license revocation for a period of 2 years even if you only have one DUI within the past ten years and a three years license revocation if you have more then two DUI offenses within the past ten years.
For purposes of calculating the prior offenses, the ten year date is counted from the offense date to the offense date. In other words, even if your conviction for a DUI is outside of the ten year period, but the offense date is within the period, the DUI will be counted as a prior DUI to increase the suspension or revocation period of your driving privilege.
A DUI license revocation is different from driver’s license cancellation because with a cancellation, the driver can apply for a license right away and with a revocation, he has to wait out mandatory period of revocation, such as DUI license revocation.
A driver’s license can be revoked not only because of a DUI but also because of a number of other reasons, such as negligent points count or refusal to submit to a Federally mandated testing for specialized permit holders, such as school bus drivers.
Los Angeles DUI attorney can help you fight a license revocation on your behalf. Keep in mind that a license revocation is an action ordered by the DMV, in other words, the court rarely orders a revocation, instead, once the DMV gets notified that there is a conviction, they will order a revocation. Alternatively, a DMV refusal hearing is another way to cause a licenser revocation. DUI Defense attorney Los Angeles is an expert in DMV laws and can help you keep your driving privilege. Please call us (818) 921 7744 anytime for a free consultation. Los Angles DUI lawyer provides quality representation at affordable price.